What is responsive web design


 Introduction on responsive web design

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Most clients want a mobile-friendly website for their business. After all, you’ll need one basic web design for iPhones and another for Blackberry, notepad, iBook. It should have a compatible picture resolution too. You’ll need to design web pages for advanced gadgets in the coming years. Who knows when the madness will end? 

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In website development and design, we are gradually nearing a point where it’s becoming hard to keep up with endless inventions and resolutions. It’s challenging for website developers to create a new website for tech-savvy gadgets. Are you ready to take the risk of losing visitors from one site to gain from the other? 

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design is creating an adaptive web design that looks good on all gadgets. A responsive web layout automatically adjusts for versatile web ports and screen resolutions. 

It uses HTML and CSS to hide, resize, enlarge, shrink, and maximize a website that looks good on all devices. 

  As the user switches from iPad to Macbook, the Website switches resolutions and accommodates scripting abilities and image size.  

How can you implement responsive design for your Website?

How to create the viewport of your web page? 

To create a responsive web design, add the meta tag on all web pages. 

This webpage is without the viewport tg. 

<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>

It is the change that occurs when you implement the viewport tag. 

It allows designing an adaptive layout and scalable web page.

It sets the viewport of your web page, which directs the browser to adjust the dimensions and resolutions of the web page. Set the CSS width to 100%. 

Implementing max-width attribute to upload image in a web page

<img src=”img_flower.jpg” style=”max-width:100%;height:auto;”>

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 You can likewise scale up the device and make it larger than its original size. Use max-width instead of width for a better solution. Set the max-width to 100%. You can scale down the image when needed. But you can’t make it larger than its original size. 

How can responsive web design improve brand image? 

  • Digitalization and advancement of web apps is the driving force behind adaptive Website development. In general, users get redirected to a specific site. Thanks to the responsive layout, users can scroll through the site without changing the CSS design. 

  • As Tablet manufacturers expect a surge in sales, responsive site designing is imperative for content optimizers. Site developers witnessed around a 40% increase in traffic from mobile and tablet devices. There is a commercial motive behind accommodating the small screen in a unified layout.  

  • Another benefit of the responsive design is that the customer has a further evolved site understanding as there is no prerequisite for redirection. Centralized web design Scripts (CSS) across devices and website design layouts will cause an anticipated look and feel.

  •  Dependable customer experience will influence conversion rates as people think about discipline and site or custom use across contraptions. The responsive design removes different declinations’ restrictions, such as execution and substantial look and feel.

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