How AI is helping to detect COVID-19 and develop Vaccine 2020


Chest CT ( also known as Chest computed tomography ) is the way to get scanned images of the human chest (along with chest radiography images and lung ultrasounds) that can be used to identify early detection of corona symptoms. 

Using AI algorithms and data science approach on these images, guided by other information e.g. the person’s travel history, other symptoms (e.g. fever ), and other lab tests, we can confirm if the person is CORONA POSITIVE.

Before we go into more technical details of how AI is in practice to detect COVID, I must give you some information about the evolution of this virus.

The machine-learning algorithm developed by AI company Bluedot, first detected some outbreak of pneumonia in December 2019 in Wuhan, China which is parallel to the similar SARS outbreak in 2002. 

Early detection is just the first step. It is more important also to figure out how does this virus evolves and to get insights into how many people get affected.

London based AI company Benevolent AI, has done dedicated research to understand the characteristic of coronavirus from the data fed to its algorithm and trying to make meaningful insights available potentially to common people so they can be helped and take necessary Precautions.

Check this article by Imaging Technology News !!

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